Potter Park Zoo holds annual Sensory-Friendly Wonderland of Lights and Schedules Another Year of Sensory Friendly Events
Potter Park Zoo held their annual FALCONERS Sensory Friendly Wonderland of Lights event December 10, 2019. The event was free to participants. FALCONERS is designed to allow children and adults with unique challenges (such as autism or developmental disabilities) and their whole family to have an enriching experience in a safe, welcoming and sensory friendly environment. All participants were able to enjoy a Wonderland of Lights night without large crowds. Music was turned down and any flashing lights throughout the zoo were turned off. This special event provided a soup dinner for the families, ambassador animals, crafts and activities. Santa and Mrs. Claus made an appearance, which made for awesome family photos!
Over 230 people attended this year’s event, almost doubling 2018 attendance. Community partners came out to enjoy the event as well.
“Our staff and volunteers work very hard on this event to make it the best night possible for our FALCONERS families. We will continue to provide this program
because we know how important it is for our community. It was great seeing new faces and to see the families have their photos taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus,” said Mariah Martinez, Community Engagement Coordinator.
FALCONERS will continue for it’s fifth year in 2020. More information and future events can be found on our website at https://potterparkzoo.org/falconers.
Any questions about the program can be directed to the program coordinator Mariah Martinez at falconers@ingham.org or 517-342-2751.