
Become a Citizen Scientist From Your Living Room!

How can you help scientists and wildlife right from your living room?
You can easily participate in this meaningful conservation program! Check out, an interactive, citizen science website that provides an opportunity for anyone to become an African wildlife conservationist.​
Snapshot Safari is an online database of camera trap photos, hosted by, which conservation projects around Africa use. The website allows volunteers to explore the hidden parts of Africa from anywhere and help save animals while doing so. These conservation projects have multiple camera traps each, which are hidden in the African bush and are rigged to take photographs any time they sense movement. These photos are then uploaded to SnapshotSafari, where people around the world are allowed to go online and help view and sort these images for scientists. By counting and classifying the animals that appear on the camera traps, you’re helping scientists monitor how many animals there are in a given area, and how they interact with each other and their environment. This data contributes to vital research and publications that allow these organizations to continue doing the great work that they do.You can sort through dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of camera trap photos (if you’re up for the challenge).