Conservation Events

Conservation Events Hosted at Potter Park Zoo Each Year

Attend these events at the zoo to help us make a big impact with our conservation efforts! Many of these events have programs that 100% of the proceeds go to conservation. 

FrogWatch USA:

FrogWatch USA is a citizen science program aimed at training individuals, groups, and families to learn about wetlands in their community by listening for and identifying native frogs and toad species. This information is then entered into an online database for use by researchers and scientists. Potter Park Zoo animal care staff holds several training sessions in the early spring and is always looking for new enthusiastic volunteers. Learn more about frog watch at and check out our events page for upcoming trainings at Potter Park Zoo!

International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD):

For more than two decades, Potter Park Zoo has hosted a major celebration of IMBD. The zoo partners with the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fenner Nature Center, and the Great Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau. At the event the zoo is filled with hands-on interactive games and activities, chicks hatching in incubators and animal presentations all centered on the importance and conservation of neo-tropical migrant birds. Most activities are designed to encourage, inspire, and assist visitors with actions they can take to help conserve migratory birds.

Wild About Our Rivers River Clean-Up

Every year we welcome anyone who wants to lend a hand in making our environment cleaner and safer during our river cleanup. We know that a single act can make a big difference and we’re counting on our dedicated community to help us make this event a success. Learn about this year’ clean up here. 

International Tiger Day

Join us in honoring these majestic creatures with a day full of excitement, education, and fun, all included in your regular admission. Roam the zoo and discover education stations and activity tables dedicated to tigers. Learn about their incredible habitat, conservation efforts, and the importance of protecting these endangered species. It’s a day of tiger-inspired joy for the whole family. Learn more about this years celebration here. 

World Rhino Day:

To celebrate World Rhino Day, Potter Park Zoo offers special tours and a behind-the-scenes look at our black rhino exhibit. Educational displays are placed along walkways to teach attendees about the plight of rhinos in the wild and to provide them with things they can do daily to more positively impact rhinos. 100% of the funds raised by the rhino barn tours are directly donated to conservation organizations that works to save rhinos.

International Red Panda Day:

International Red Panda Day is an annual celebration at Potter Park Zoo. There are many activities for children of all ages, including red panda chats, scavenger hunts, red panda mask making, as well as enrichment and training demonstrations. During the event, we raise funds to send to the Red Panda Network – a conservation organization dedicated to saving red pandas in their native range.

Party for the Planet:

An annual event held at the zoo that is aligned with the AZA’s nationwide Party for the Planet. This event features a wide range of informational stations; hands-on, interactive activities; animal presentations, and social media posts. The focus is on conservation issues, conservation successes, the roles of zoos & aquariums in conservation, and conservation-positive actions everyone can take to make a difference.

Arbor Day Celebration:

An annual event focusing on the ecological, economic, and aesthetic values of forests. Potter Park Zoo partners with numerous national, state, county, and city natural resource agencies, Forestry NGOs, Michigan State University, private forest industry companies, and dozens of area school districts.