
VIDEOS: Black Rhino Milestones – Jaali is One Month Old!

Jaali has hit a lot of big milestones during his first month of life. Our zookeepers have done an incredible job of monitoring the videos captured by our closed-circuit camera to identify the exact times of his major milestones. This sassy little guy never ceases to amaze us, and we can’t wait to continue sharing his story with our fans!

Jaali and mother Doppsee are behind the scenes in the warm and cozy rhino barn and will not be visible to the public until in the spring of 2020. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for regular Jaali updates!

  • Born: 5:40 a.m. 12-24-2019

  • Standing: 7:10 a.m. 12-24-2019

  • Nursing: 8:44 a.m. 12-24-2019

  • Sparring: 12-25-2019

  • First poop: 12-27-2019

  • Play behavior: 12-31-2019​

  • Lost umbilical cord: 1-2-2020

  • Testing solids but not eating: 1-3-2020

  • Climbing Mom: 1-3-2020

  • Zoomies: 1-3-2020

  • Playing with sticks: 1-4-2020

  • Jaali is named! 1-9-2020

  • First Mud Bath –1-19-2020

  • First exposure to snow (pile brought inside for him to investigate) 1-21-2020

  • First enrichment 1-22-2020