Western Tufted Deer

Tufted deer live in dense forests at high altitudes near water in southern and central China. They rarely leave their home range and travel singly or as a pair. Tufted deer are mostly active at dawn and dusk and are often described as secretive, solitary and territorial.

Fun Facts

Tufted deer are named for the tuft of hair between their ears. Male deer (bucks) have small, simple antlers and long canines. They are used to fight other males over territory and mates.

Both male and female deer bark when alarmed. Males also bark during mating season to attract a mate. Other sounds include clicks, whines and whistles.


Mating occurs in late fall or early winter. One or two fawns are born after a six month gestation. Fawns are dependent on their mother until they are six months old. Sexual maturity is reached between 18 months and two years.


Threats to western tufted deer include deforestation, logging and hunting for meat and fur.